HotelsTOO is an entrepreneurial reality born from the idea of Bettina Seddone to respond to the need of various tourist companies to find qualified professionals who were not linked to the company by “permanent and onerous” employment contracts.
The idea of HotelsTOO is in fact to make its professional background available to the entrepreneur in a dynamic and flexible way. No longer a permanent employee with a high company cost, but a partner company which, with a variable cost, will follow your company as if it were its own and which, once the agreed term has been reached, will have become an autonomous and structured company.
HotelsTOO’s vision is to create a hotellerie:
• transparent
• effective
• dynamic and constructive
• sustainable even from small companies.
Making the world of the hotel industry a more sustainable system, made up of professionals who not only know the subject, but work it every day with passion and with the pleasure of passing on their knowledge: this is our mission. We operate in a dynamic way, overcoming that stereotyped professional rigidity typical of a very recent past and which reality has shown us is now outdated.
Our goal is to create an independent hotelier who, at the end of the consultancy relationship, optimizes all processes together with his team, from operational to economic-financial ones.